A Top Ten roundup featuring my most popular articles of 2023

Efi Pylarinou
4 min readDec 28, 2023

OpenAI, GPT models, ChatGPT were by far the most dominant theme across the top ten most popular (based on Medium readership) articles I published in 2023.

Half of the top ten articles included GenAI, GPT, and Chatbot in their headlines.

The nature of Money, Tokenization, the Payment methods graveyard, a look at the VISA / AMEX comparison, one of Apple`s Fintech 2023 moves, were the other themes of the most popular articles.

1 ) Algorithmic Trading at an inflection point with GPT models

Written in April, this article provides an overview of the Algorithmic trading market and the potential use cases of LLMs.

Currently, the word on the Street is that High-Frequency trading houses have bought and are training HP100 NVIDIA GPUs.

2 ) ChatGPT Empowering Investment Research: Trends and Use Cases

Written in May, this article includes 4 Fintechs that had already deployed LLMs in investment research.

3 ) A Moody`s & Microsoft GenAI collaboration for the Era of Exponential Risk

4 ) Mo, the First Personified Next-Gen Chatbot for Investment Research

Moody`s and Morningstar launched GenAI-powered services for their clients which were trained on their extensive knowledge libraries. These established market intelligence players followed a similar approach as Bloomberg.

It is early days still, to be able to assess the impact on their bottom line and the feedback from their B2B clients.

5 ) From Chatbots to Social Impact: How GPT Models are Transforming Rural India

A thought leadership article on the potential to use GPT models in multi-language situations and to reduce digital divide gaps, along with an early deployment by the Technology Ministry in India in collaboration with Microsoft. I hope we see more public, and private sector collaborations of this nature going forward as I strongly believe these can have meaningful Social impact and at the same time accelerate the digitalization of public services. More GovTech at a faster pace through GenAI.

6 ) The 5 aspects of Money

One of my favorite writings is infused with takeaways from the WEF in Davos. A timeless piece suggesting `Let’s all stop being fixated on what is money and arguing whether Robux, Bitcoin, or some other digital asset is money.` Let’s focus on what kind of networks can move value better and be transparent. Let’s allow for many kinds of `money` with different combinations of capabilities for different purposes. As Ferguson repeatedly said `the traditional definition of Money is not at al helpful in thinking of our current and future digital reality`.

7 ) The Payment methods graveyard

Another special article answering the question:

`What are the payment methods that have been phased out?` to which we can pay tribute as market dynamics and consumer tastes change.

A collaborative effort with Panagiotis Kriaris and Arjun Vir Singh.

8 ) Is the comparison of AMEX with VISA ridiculous?

As we observe the evolving landscape of payment preferences across various jurisdictions, the established card networks remain under relentless scrutiny and analysis.

Some feel this comparison is ridiculous as AMEX is a bank and VISA is a PayTech. Others feel that it is a good comparison of Open loop networks versus closed loop networks. And others that look at it as a comparison of high end / luxury products and services versus serving much broader business needs.

9 ) The Tokenization Paradigm: Incumbents Embrace Innovation, Alliances Take Shape

Building infrastructure to tokenize `real-world assets` continues. This article put the spotlight on the newly launched Canton Network. However, let’s not forget that the `crypto` regulatory cloud of confusion persists in the US and hinders global Capital markets innovation.

10 ) Apple Raises Customer Experience Bar in US

Written in the Spring when Apple first launched its Savings account.

I find more intriguing the emphasis on the `silence` surrounding the Apple Breakout plan, as well as `my speculation` regarding the integration of ApplePay with UPI in India.

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Efi Pylarinou

№1 #Finance Global Woman Influencer by Refinitiv 2020 & 2019. Top Global #Fintech Influencer, Futurist, #AI, #Blockchain +: 30yrs FINANCE — https://linktr.ee/Ef